Tell Me About Yourself: an Easy Way to Manage the Interview

Have you got impressive working experience in a whole lot of fields? Even with years of professional background and tons of job interviews, you will still be frightened with the “Tell me about yourself” question. What should you discuss when the interviewer asks the question? What aspects should be covered? How not fail at the first stage of the job interview and show yourself in a good light? You can cover these questions with our guide.

No matter what the purpose of the asking is, applicants often get stuck when they hear the question. It is important to know what are the best ways to answer. First of all, it will prove your awareness and a good level of preparation. Second of all, the interviewer will easily come up with the following questions during the job interview. So, what should you do when someone asks you to tell about yourself? Here you will find effective tips from professional CV writers to cope with such a complicated task.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Trying to get a new job and want to pretend to be another person? It is a no-win scenario. When you hear the question, you should give an honest answer. Applying to a job position, it is necessary to be yourself. This way, you understand if the responsibilities are good for you. On the other side, the interviewer understands if you fit into the job description. It is an all-win situation.

Job positions are open for a particular kind of applicant. If you fit into the requirements, you will perform perfectly and contribute to the company’s success and well-being. For this reason, you should be honest when giving answers. You will figure out more about the culture of the company and see what benefits you can bring to the company.

Show Your Confidence

Want to receive high points? Then you should be confident with your speech. The first impression is vital when you get interviewed. If you get stocked when hearing this tricky request, the interviewer will notice it. It is always a great idea to rehearse your answer. In most cases, you will have to tell about yourself. So, to feel confident, you may want to be ready for the speech beforehand.

’Who Are You?’

When you get interviewed at a job meeting, you need to talk more about yourself. What details should you reveal about your life story? Why is it a great idea to insert some personal details in the speech?

  1. First of all, you will give the managers more insights into your life. When you enter the job or get another career opportunity, your task is to tell others more about your life. Your success in the job environment depends highly on the way you spend your free time. For this reason, your future employer has to get some insights from your personal life.
  2. The second reason why talking about more personal things is necessary lies in your professional communication skills. What aspects should you cover in your speech? How do you know what things are better to omit? This is how your professional language and the skills to cut unnecessary things are checked.
  3. The last reason to reveal some personal life updates is the ability to show your strong sides to the natural environment. You can hardly impress the employer when you list your strengths. But with proper examples from your personal life, your effort will be appreciated.

Why should you also resort to some personal details? When you only enter the market and want to introduce yourself correctly, this is a great idea to perform your skills and working approach through some personal life situations. You can refer to some family issues or situations with children. There can also be different cases from your college or university routine if the context and time frames are relevant for the story. With the help of personal stories, one can prove why being honest with yourself is a great idea.

Be Reserved with Personal Details

Revealing some personal data is great. But don’t you need to stay a bit reserved? You can share some insights, but being too open will only harm your speech. Some extra details may sound irrelevant and make your speech long. By providing unnecessary details about your childhood or hobbies that have nothing in common with your future undertaking will make your performance worse. If you want to sound professional, being brief in your descriptions is a great advantage. This way, you have fewer risks to get discharged based on your personal beliefs or behaviors, which often happens in the market.

Research Before the Interview

efore you go to the job meeting, make sure to learn some information about the company. What are the purpose and main beliefs of the enterprise? What values are critical for the company? You need to know a lot about the business to keep the conversation alive. It often happens that interviewers ask specific questions on purpose. And when you fail some tricky questions about the company, you get fewer points and show your inadequate preparation.

Do You Know What to Talk About?

When you know the purpose of the interview and the main expectations, you have the edge over other candidates. If the job is creative, you should focus on your creativity and other related skills. If the job lies in teamwork, you should concentrate on your ability to listen to others and work together in a group.

No Rambling

The more you talk, the less informative your speech is. When you answer the questions, highlight the key elements and talk business. You should get ready for the meeting and write the points. Being focused and omitting some details is better than talking about nothing.


Communication with the HR specialist at the interview can be stressful. You never know what questions may arise in the course of the meeting. But one thing is obvious. You will always have to tell me about yourself. If you don’t want to get caught by the question, you should be ready. By reading the guide, you will surely gras[ the main idea and get prepared for the interview better.

Joleen Hodges

Joleen Hodges

Joleen is a Certified Resume Writer for the National Resume Writers Association. The expert also provides coach consultations and advice on the formation of a career way. For ten years, Joleen Hodges worked as a recruiter in HR departments. For the past three years, Joleen has been collaborating with our resume writing company. Joleen graduated from the University of California, San Diego. Joleen knows firsthand how the process of selecting workers goes. Therefore, Joleen creates the best resumes, taking into account all the requirements of your employer.

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